Prime Male pills aka the famous “red” pills which the manufacturer, Propura, claims to be 100% natural testosterone booster are very famous among people who suffer from hormonal imbalance and want to increase their testosterone levels.
We read a lot throughout the web, official prime male website and also checked the composition of ingredients to write our honest and blunt Prime Male Review for you.

It has already secured a spot in our list of best testosterone boosters due to its high effectiveness and satisfactory results. After our long and detailed article on best testosterone boosters, we received a lot of query emails regarding prime male pills.
However, at we only believe in sharing information that really helps our readers or anyone who wants to invest their money into any sort of health supplements.
We were really keen to try to it out personally on one of our team members and only then publish this article so that we could tell you everything that no other affiliate websites would bother to do. This is what makes our review different than several prime male reviews out there on the internet.
We chose Tomas, a 32 years old bodybuilder with 12+ years of training experience for this review. He was advised to consume these pills according to recommendations on their website along with his own experience and knowledge for 30 days.
Having said that, without wasting your time, let’s move ahead with the only personally tested prime male review you need for complete knowledge.

Prime Male is a natural testosterone boosting supplement manufactured by a UK based company namely Propura. These famous “red pills” aka Prime Male pills are one of the leading and most effecting testosterone boosting pills. These pills can be consumed by men of all ages due to their scientifically proven formula that comprises of 12 critical nutrients focused on making you feel like you were in your 20s; Energetic, healthy, fit and muscular!
Having an adequate and balanced amount of testosterone in your body will give you a lot of health benefits such as
- Lean muscle mass,
- High Energy Levels,
- Sharper brain,
- Strong erections,
- Healthy libido,
- Strong bones,
- Healthy heart,
- Increased strength etc.
Usually, these health benefits can be achieved up to a limit by adopting a healthy lifestyle naturally. Especially losing weight and building a muscular physique can be achieved by exercising on a regular basis and eating a properly planned diet.
Here is a twist however, Prime Male pills really can help you increase your testosterone levels even without working out or taking too much stress about what you eat.
It is because Prime Male pills are mainly focused to increase testosterone and they do not contain any other non-essential ingredients just to raise the price.
This is the main reason why I love it and also recommend it for people over 45-50 years of age (although the official website recommends it for 30 years old or above. I don’t get any reason why you would not train at 30 years of age unless you have some health issue.)
Prime Male Ingredients
Our prime male review would be incomplete without a proper piece of information on its ingredients. Manufacturers call it “Anti-Aging Dirty Dozen” because consuming this combination made of 12 nutrients is the surest, safest and fastest way to deal with low testosterone problems.
Without any further ado, here are the main 12 ingredients of Prime Male pills:
- D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate
- BioPerine®
- Boron
- Korean Red Ginseng 4:1 extract
- Luteolin (dosage – 60mg)
- Magnesium
- Mucuna Pruriens (seed) extract
- Nettle Root 10:1 extract
- Vitamin B6 (as P-5-P)
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin K2 (as Menaquinone-7)
- Zinc as zinc citrate

D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate (D-AA-CC) (Dosage – 1200mg)
D-aspartic acid is a type of amino acid and neurotransmitter that triggers the release of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH once triggered stimulates the testicles to produce more testosterone in the body.

There are mixed opinions on whether D-Aspartic Acid directly increases T-levels or not. According to this particular study –, there were no significant changes seen in testosterone levels by just consuming D-aspartic acid. However, in this study, only D-aspartic acid alone was given to subjects and it wasn’t combined with anything else. This might be a reason why there was no significant increment found.
As per PrimeMale Website, when 23 men ranging from age groups 27-37 were given slightly over 3gms of D-aspartic acid every day, they showed a 42% average increase in testosterone levels on 12th day.
In another study mentioned on their site, when 2.7 grams of D-AA was given to men with impaired fertility for 90 days, the results showed improvements in motility and concentration of semen ranging from 50% to 100%. This also led to increased sexual potency. It was also found that serum testosterone increased by 30% to 60%.
However, they do not link to any trustful source hence we can’t vouch for studies mentioned on their site but I am sure after seeing my results that overall combination of ingredients does work like a charm!
Another noticeable point here is that PrimeMale uses calcium chelate form of D-AA (hence D-AA-CC) which increases the solubility of conventional D-AA by 75 times! Greater solubility means better absorption by the body. It helps in avoiding the usual stomach ache problems associated with D-AA consumption.
In short – D-aspartic acid alone has not shown significant increment in testosterone levels as per lot of studies. However, once combined with other ingredients, we are quite sure it will show improvement. Thanks to calcium chelate form of D-AA(D-AA-CC) in PrimeMale, its absorption is great too and doesn’t cause any stomach ache.
BioPerine® (dosage – 10mg)
BioPerine is an extract derived from Piper nigrum (Black pepper fruits) which is patented by a USA based company namely Sabinsa Corporation. This extract contains over 95% of piperine and it is clinically proven bioavailability enhancer for nutrients.

The proven property of nutrients absorption in BioPerine is what makes it an important ingredient in Prime Male. It helps to speed up the restoration of your body’s testosterone to higher levels.
Boron (as boron amino acid chelate) (dosage – 5mg)
Boron quantities in food are usually low hence supplementation of this mineral is advised. Boron amino acid chelate form is used in Prime Male which is more absorbable than its simpler form and hence more bioavailable.

Its intake has shown significant improvement in bone strength, treating osteoarthritis, increasing testosterone and hence used as an aid for muscle building.
According to their official website, a study conducted by Naghii shows men who were given 10 mg of boron daily for a week showed a drop in SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) levels. This resulted in a 28% increase in free testosterone. On top of it, their estrogen levels also dropped by 39%.
In another study conducted by Miljkovic, men who were given 6 mg of boron daily for 60 days showed increment in free testosterone levels by an average of 29.5.
Here is the link to a study that clearly shows the impact of boron supplementation on the human body –
Korean Red Ginseng 4:1 extract (root) (dosage – 120 mg)
Ginseng is a proven aphrodisiac which is used to treat sexual disorders in men. Ginseng extracts are used in a lot of Chinese medicines and in Indian Ayurveda as well for the overall growth and libido enhancement. In India, ginseng is called “ashwagandha” which is also used as a stress reliever.

The Asian red ginseng has been used since ancient times as stress reliever, immune booster, for higher energy, increased longevity and to treat impotence in males.
Researches from Korea have shown that men who were given ginseng extract for around 8 weeks experienced a lot of benefits including hard erections, improved erection quality and enhanced sexual performance and better satisfaction.
In another double-blind study conducted among 60 men with improper erection showed that a course of 12 weeks of red ginseng consumption significantly improved the quality and hardness of their erection versus those who were taking a placebo.
I personally have to no doubt at all about the effectiveness of this ingredient in any natural testosterone booster.
Luteolin (dosage – 60mg)
Luteolin is a naturally occurring flavone, yellowish in appearance which is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A man’s body on a regular basis converts androgens to estrogens which in every case is not a bad thing. According to this study, an adequate amount of estrogens are also necessary for maintaining muscle mass and promoting overall growth in young men.
However, as males get older, this conversion of testosterone to estrogen significantly raises hence causing problems. This is where Luteolin is very helpful as it is an aromatase inhibitor which means it can effectively increase testosterone levels in adult men by inhibiting testosterone to estrogen conversion.
It also triggers more testosterone production.
Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) (dosage – 100 mg)
Magnesium is a very vital mineral for the human body due to its so many benefits such as fighting against depression, anti-inflammatory property, lowering blood pressure etc.

Magnesium also shows aphrodisiac properties increasing your libido and sex drive.
It is also directly associated with testosterone levels in our body which means that a dip in magnesium in our body might be a reason for low T-levels.
Almost 60% of our testosterone is bound to SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) which means that the male hormone in our body is not available directly for use. Magnesium helps in lowering SHBG hence raising the “free” testosterone availability.
This unattached or “free” testosterone present in our blood is what provides several potency health benefits.
As per a study mentioned on the official website, a few athletes were given 10mg magnesium every day for 4 weeks. They were divided into two groups – one who did not exercise at all and one who did Tae Kwon Do for one and a half hours. Both these groups showed increment in their T-levels versus those who were not given magnesium under the same situations.
The fact that magnesium in Prime Male is added in citrate form shows how much they care about this product being utilized optimally by the body. The citrate form of magnesium is proven to show more absorption in the body than other forms.
Mucuna Pruriens (seed) extract (standardized to 15% levadopa) (Dosage – 300 mg)
Mucuna Pruriens commonly known as velvet beans in English comes with a lot of benefits directly related to your testosterone levels such as body weight, bone density, muscle mass and libido.

Mucuna pruriens directly affects free testosterone in a man’s body by reducing prolactin levels. Prolactin is a hormone responsible for milk production in females during pregnancy. High prolactin levels in men lead to low testosterone and Mucuna pruriens is proven to reduce it.
Mucuna pruriens also provides amino acid levadopa (L-Dopa) naturally which is clinically proven to increase human growth hormone (HGH).
Mental stress produced a hormone called cortisol which can hamper the production of testosterone. Mucuna helps in reducing the level of cortisol in your body hence making you feel stress-free and helping the growth of testosterone.
According to a study conducted in the University of Lucknow, when 150 men were given 5 grams of mucuna daily for 90 days, their quantity and quality of semen improved.
Nettle Root 10:1 extract (Dosage – 160 mg)
Nettle Root contains a compound called Lignans which bind themselves to SHBG which leads to more free testosterone hence leading to better sexual health and muscle mass.

This extract is derived from Stinging Nettle Root which has been used as a herbal medicine since ancient times. Our body benefits mainly from free testosterone in blood and more than 50% of our body’s overall testosterone is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
In Prime Male, only the root of nettles is used as an ingredient since it yields better effects than other parts of the plant such as leaves, seeds etc.
Vitamin B6 (as P-5-P) (Dosage – 7.5 mg)
Vitamin B6 is proven for its mental benefits. It helps you sleep better, calms your mind and relieves stress.
Androgens are a group of male hormones of which testosterone are the major and crucial part. Before producing testosterone, your body produces androgens.

Vitamin B6 acts as the building block of testosterone in your body as it triggers androgens receptors to release more testosterone from testicles into your blood.
According to a study published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, a lab test conducted on rats showed that when their diet was deprived of vitamin B6 they suffered a loss of 74.5% in testosterone levels.
Two other crucial ingredients in Prime Male include Zinc and Magnesium. B6 helps in better absorption of these 2 minerals by the body. The P – 5 – P form of B6 is the most active form which confirms optimum absorption of this vitamin after consumption.
Vitamin D3 (Dosage – 5000 IU)
Vitamin D holds a spot in 24 nutrients essential for human survival. Sunlight is a great natural source to trigger the production of vitamin D3 in our body but with changing times and modern lifestyle that we all have adapted, it is tough to get this vital vitamin naturally in adequate amounts.

According to an article published in the Journal of Endocrinology, levels of vitamin D and testosterone in our body were directly proportional. Another study conducted at Stanford University found that levels of estrogen and testosterone both get manipulated due to Vitamin D3
Having said that, Prime Male makes sure they add vitamin D3 in each capsule in an adequate amount which is more than what you would absorb through standing directly in sun rays or drinking a glass of milk.
Vitamin K2 (as Menaquinone-7) (Dosage – 45 mcg)
To make sure each and every single ingredient is utilized at an optimum level, Propura has not left a single stone unturned.
Vitamin K2 in itself helps in boosting testosterone levels but more than that, K2 helps in better utilization of vitamin D3 present in Prime Male.

A team of nutritionists in Tohoku University in Japan drew a conclusion that vitamin K2 raises serum testosterone level by triggering certain enzymes active in testes.
In a lab test conducted on two groups of rats, it was found that the group of rats who were given vitamin K2 for around 35 days showed improvement in their testosterone levels by 50% than those who were not!
Keeping the motive of being the best testosterone booster in mind, Prime Male uses Menaquinone-7 which is a better bioactive form of Vitamin K2.
Zinc (as zinc citrate) (Dosage – 30 mg)
Zinc is the most important nutrient in any testosterone booster, period! There is no testosterone booster which does not contain Zinc in it.
It comes with so many benefits of its own. Zinc has the following benefits for the human body

- Increases immunity towards bacteria and viruses,
- Helps in making proteins and DNA,
- Ensures better hair,
- Quick healing of wounds,
- Help treat Erectile Dysfunction,
- Prevents acne and other skin problems
- Testosterone production
Millions of people around the world suffer from Zinc deficiency. It’s due to the fact that Zinc can neither be produced nor stored in the body. Men with active sex life deplete themselves of zinc since almost 5 mg of zinc is lost every time you ejaculate.
In a study conducted on elderly men with zinc deficiency, serum testosterone levels surprisingly doubled after zinc supplementation was given to them in just 6 months.
Another study conducted on a group of 4 men with just 27-28 years of age confirmed the fact that zinc depletion lowers testosterone. For 20 weeks, they were given a diet that had very less or almost no zinc in it. Their testosterone levels dropped by almost 73%!
When combined with magnesium and vitamin B6, zinc supplementation raised testosterone levels by 33.5% in footballers in just 2 months.
Fortunately, Prima Male has all these 3 ingredients to give you the best results. Citrate form ensures better bioavailability than any other form of zinc.
Ingredients - 9.4/10
Effectiveness - 9/10
User Reviews - 8.9/10
Price - 8.2/10
- 100% Natural Ingredients.
- Boosts testosterone even when exercise is avoided.
- Beneficial for even men over 30 years of age.
- Comes with a 90 day money-back guarantee.
- No side effects in 98% cases.
- Not primarily targeted for muscle building but overall testosterone boost instead.
- Only available online.
Prime Male Benefits
With all-natural and beneficial ingredients that together formulate Prime Male pills, I am certain that these pills would help a lot of people benefit and deal with their low testosterone problems. Clearly, increasing testosterone levels in the body will help you with a vast range of problems starting from mental stress and tension to physical disorders!
Following are a few benefits of prime male as mentioned on site:
- Better energy levels
- Improved strength
- Fat loss
- Stronger bones
- Elevated mood
- Enhanced libido
- Lower blood pressure
- Regulate blood sugar levels
- Better skin quality
- Enhanced cognitive function
These points are valid but for someone looking into complete details, it’s not satisfactory as it does not describe how it all is implicated. I have personally tried to explain each and every point for your ease and better understanding below:
Better energy levels
Well, it is quite clear that prime male increases your testosterone levels and undoubtedly, testosterone gives you an immense boost in energy. This is the main reason why people with low testosterone levels feel lethargic all the time.
Improved strength by building lean muscle
It is a great myth among amateurs that “huge” men are naturally blessed and have more power in them. Let me clear the air here for you, FAT DOES NOT MEAN POWER, MUSCLE DOES!
A 70kg man with lean muscle mass can lift way better than a 100 kg guy in the gym who just seems to be big. The more muscles you have, the more power you will have to lift weight.
Fat loss
It is scientifically proven that when you have more muscles in your body, you will burn more calories as more muscles are involved in any sort of body movement. This will eventually lead to fat loss.
Stronger bones
As mentioned above in the ingredients section, Prime Male has Boron in it which is proven to increase bone density hence giving you strong bones.
Not just boron, but also healthy testosterone levels in body assure better bone density. We have also linked a study above that shows the direct impact of boron on the human body for your reference.
Elevated mood
Imbalanced testosterone levels in your body make you feel lethargic, causes mental stress, depression. All these factors directly affect your mood!
When did you last see a tensed guy performing all his tasks with 100% efficiency? One of the ingredients in Prime Male is Red ginseng which is a proven stress reliever.
Enhanced libido
Libido in just 2 short words can be described as “sexual desire”. Testosterone is the essence of manliness. With low testosterone, you won’t feel that energy inside you that drives her crazy!
If you always have performance anxiety which leads to early ejaculation and dissatisfaction in the bed, then prime male is your best bet.
With increased libido, you will be able to perform better, longer, get better erections and get mutual satisfaction with her 😉
Lower blood pressure
When your cardiovascular health is maintained, you need not worry about blood pressure issues.
Having adequate testosterone levels in the body leads to lower body fat which makes it easier for your heart to pump blood easily and normally hence avoiding any heart-related problems.
Regulate blood sugar levels
Testosterone in our body helps in taking up more blood sugar. This clearly means that having low testosterone levels in the body affect insulin resistance.
You need adequate insulin levels in your body to control your blood sugar. This is why diabetic people are given insulin tablets and when out of control, they are advised to even inject insulin in their body directly through veins.
With Prime Male, your testosterone levels will increase hence leading to controlled blood sugar levels.
Better skin quality
Androgen, a class of male hormones directly triggers sebum production in the body. Testosterone belongs to androgen and with imbalanced levels of this hormone, acne and pimples are common.
When your T-levels are balanced, your sebum production is in control hence avoiding skin problems which make it look healthier and glowy.
Enhanced cognitive function
Cognitive functioning means a human’s ability to perform various mental activities which include both learning and problem-solving. When you age, testosterone levels deplete in your body and so does cognitive functions.
You learn the most when young. Several studies have shown that testosterone increment has proved better mental abilities in certain aspects which means better cognitive functioning.
Prime Male Pricing
One bottle of PrimeMale contains 120 capsules that are recommended to be taken 4 times a day in intervals of 3 hours with a snack or meal.
There are 3 different packages available for purchase:
1 Month Supply – Contains one box of Prime Male (120 capsules)
Price : $69 + shipping charges
2 Month Supply – Contains two boxes of Prime Male (240 capsules)
Price : $138
Free shipping in UK and USA
3 Month Supply -Contains three boxes of Prime Male + one FREE!
Total four boxes of PrimeMale (480 capsules)
Price : $207
Free shipping worldwide
Covered under Prime Male 90 days guarantee!
Prime Male Dosage – How to take these pills?
One bottle of Prime Male contains 120 pills of 750mg each. Makers recommend taking 4 pills a day along with a meal or snack with 3 hours of gap.
I consumed these pills the same way as recommended but with some extra input. Even though the company claims that your testosterone levels will increase just by taking these pills but hey, let us admit this, who does not want to get the maximum benefit out of something?
I trained for 6 days a week with 4 days of weight training and 2 days for cardiovascular exercises. My workout was split like this:
Days | Excercise |
Day 1 | Chest and Triceps |
Day 2 | Back and Biceps |
Day 3 | Cardio |
Day 4 | Shoulders |
Day 5 | Cardio |
Day 6 | Legs |
Day 7 | Rest |
Along with this weight training regime, I consumed a balanced protein-rich diet with the following ratio of macros:
Protein: Carbs: Fats :: 35: 45 : 20
The reason I kept the ratio of carbs on a higher side was that I have been training for long now and I love lifting heavy. Compromising too much on carbs would mean less energy and hence less power to lift more weights.
Who should take Prime Male Pills?
If you are 45-50 years or above and can’t train due to health issues, you can simply take these pills without training and it should help you in raising your T-levels.
If you are less than this and don’t have any sort of health issues, we highly recommend you get out of your comfort zone and train for 30 days along with the consumption of these pills. Believe me, the results will literally shock you just like they shocked me!
Are these pills safe to consume?
According to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), PrimeMale is manufactured in FDA approved labs that assure quality and purity. These pills contain no harmful synthetic ingredients but only the ones that really help you achieve your motive.
Prime Male Results
Here comes the best part that everyone would look for in any of the Prime Male reviews out there. Since this section is the most important one for any buyer, I will elaborately put in all my experiences in different aspects:
The most important aspect and one of the main reasons why anyone would buy a testosterone booster is a strength. I trained for 6 days a week as I already mentioned along with a proper diet plan and 4 capsules of Prime Male a day. Since compound exercises are usually taken into consideration for measuring strength, I would like to share my improvements:
Chest Press
I have been training for long now and I can already lift a decent weight when it comes to bench press. After the first week, I tried going 5 pounds on each side beyond my personal best so in total 10 pounds. However, I could not press it in full range of motion so I reduced the increased weights by 2.5 pounds. Now it was a total of 5 pounds and I could do 2 reps of this weight.
In the second week, I bench pressed with the same weight as I had to do more variations of chest exercises and hence did not want to sore myself too much in the first variation.
The third week, now this was a complete shocker!
I was very curious to check my gains so I started with pushups to warm up and did all other variations like decline press with dumbbells, pec deck fly machine etc but with lighter than usual weights to save my self some energy.
At last, I went for bench press to check how much power I had and now this is what completely boggled my brains! I put 5 pounds on each side like my first week on the third set of bench press and whoa, I could do 5 reps with the full range of motion!
Fourth and last week – Well after so much excitement I had due to my previous week’s experience I wanted to raise the bar. I tried increasing the weights directly by 10 pounds on both sides but unfortunately, failed to press them thus I reduced the weight by 2.5 pounds per side and bam! I did 3 reps!
After 4 weeks, I could bench more by 15 pounds in total! Not bad at all in just 30 days.
Dead Lift
The King of compound exercises as they say! Deadlifts are believed to be one of the best exercises to spike your testosterone naturally. I do deadlifts once in 2 weeks and include this exercise when I train my back.
My personal best on deadlifts was 330 pounds before I started this course. In my first week of training back, I did not include deadlift as I did it on alternate weeks hence wanted to try it after 7-8 days of taking Prime Male capsules.
The second week, I added 10 pounds on both sides and to my shock, I could lift it!
The third week, no deadlifts while training back.
The fourth week, just like my bench press experience! I wanted to push my limits and with already increased strength in other exercises, I had a mental boost too.
I added 20 pounds now on each side on top of 330 pounds and was not sure if I could do it or not, so didn’t think much, took a deep breath and went for it to get a shock of my life!
To your surprise, I could actually lift that weight without even bending my back or losing my form which mostly happens when you try to push yourself too much.
Now if someone asks “How much do you deadlift bro?”
The answer is quite quick – Proudly 370 pounds
Overhead Press
Overhead presses are very crucial to get boulder shoulders! Broad and round shoulders make your masculine personality look great no matter what you wear; t-shirt, shirt, jackets, sweaters etc. Plus, these presses are my personal favourite so it had to be included 😉
I include overhead presses every time I train my shoulders. Since you are more prone to shoulder injuries while doing overhead presses as you have to maintain balance too, it’s advisable not to go too hard on yourself while increasing weights in this exercise.
I only added 2.5 pounds per side every week to make sure any injury is avoided and the weight is lifted successfully. In the first week, I could add 5 pounds in total over my personal best and do 3 reps.
In the second week, I personally did not add more weights as I first wanted to do 5 reps at least first with 5 pounds on top of my personal best. Apparently, I could again do only 3 reps and I failed to press for the fourth time.
The third week, finally the day was here when I could do 5 reps of the overhead press with a little bit of trainer’s help in 5th repetition.
The fourth week, with Prime Male pills already been taken for 20+ days, I expected a decent increment in my overhead presses. I added 5 pounds per side and as a shocker, I pressed 3 reps 😀
In the last week of my 1 month Prime Male course, my overhead presses increased by a total of 10 pounds. I expected a bit more but something is better than nothing.
If deadlifts are king, squats surely deserve to be called the “queen” of compound exercises. Squats are a true test of your strength. Every weight lifter has their own personal favourite muscle groups and the ones they find hard to train.
For me, I hate training legs. It’s because I have short hamstrings due to which in free squats I am not able to lift as much as I should as compared to the weight I lift in other exercises.
However, I do stretching at least 10 mins just for hamstrings which really helps me.
On the day of leg training, no matter how much weight I lift, I still always add squats as they are very helpful in boosting testosterone levels in your body naturally.
Well, I wasn’t able to increase the weight on squats by more than 30 pounds after 4 weeks but I am still satisfied that at least I made some progress. However, I could really feel the strength in other exercises on a machine such as leg press, calf raises, leg extensions etc.
It’s worth noticing that even when these pills are not specifically designed for packing more muscles, they actually help to better your lifts. This is directly related to boosting in testosterone levels as better T-levels means more masculinity, energy and faster muscle recovery.
A second most important aspect you would look for in a good testosterone booster is improved sex drive aka libido.
It’s really annoying when age or low testosterone levels restrict the pleasure and satisfaction in your sexual life. Prime Male is a real saviour here as it’s specifically designed for people over 30 years.
It’s the age when your T-levels start lowering and you start missing the young version of yourself.
Once you start consuming these pills, your testosterone levels will increase and you will start observing the following changes:
- Long-Lasting erections
- An enhanced desire for sexual activity
- Strong erections
- Long-lasting sex
- Better libido
- More satisfaction
- Happy partner
I already had clear skin before and it remained the same after consuming these pills as well.
Usually, taking testosterone boosters create more heat inside you which might cause slight acne in some people but thanks to all-natural ingredients, there was no impact on me and should be the same for most of the people.
Fat Loss
Men tend to gain more weight with low testosterone and higher levels of estrogen.
Since Prime Male stimulates testosterone growth along with reducing its conversion to estrogen, it actually helps you lose excess weight and become a better version of you.
Side effects of Prime Male
Well, after trying it for over 30 days I must say there were no side effects at least on me. Since all the ingredients are it comprises of are natural and safe, there should be no problem for anyone consuming these pills.
A few ingredients are even in chelate form which is more bioavailable and easy to absorb hence avoiding any sort of stomach problems.
To gain more information, I browsed their website completely and could not find any mention of the side effects this product comes along with. However, a few people who are too sensitive might face some small issues such as:
- Upset stomach
- Headache
- Mood swings
- GERD (acid reflux) – gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Diarrhea
These are very common problems and easily self-diagnosable. If you face any of these, please pause your course and consult a doctor before proceeding further.
Where to buy Prime Male
We strictly recommend you to buy PrimeMale from the official website here –
This will make sure you are buying 100% authentic product covered under their money-back guarantee scheme.
Avoid any other sources such as Amazon, Walmart, GNC, or Walgreens as you can never be sure about the seller on these platforms.
Modes of payment they accept are – Debit or Credit cards & PayPal Express Checkout
Is Prime Male a scam?
I am sure you read a lot of Prime Male reviews over the internet stating pros and cons, negatives and positives, but everything you read in this article was based on personal experience and not just theoretical. And according to my experience, Prime Male is NOT A SCAM!
Prime Male guarantee
I could not resist but simply love how confident Propura is for their product. They literally take the risk on them and claim blatantly that if a consumer does not benefit after a full course of 90 days from Prime Male, they will happily refund the full amount you paid. On top of this, as mentioned earlier, Prime Male pills are FDA approved.

Is Prime male the best testosterone booster?
It depends on your needs, which testosterone booster suits best for you. So if want to boost your libido and need to improve your overall health then prime male is for you
Is it safe?
Yeah prime male is perfectly safe since it is made up of all natural ingredients
Is it a scam
With the guarantee, they provide FDA’s approval and my own practical experience I can confidently say that Prime Male is not a scam.
Prime Male Review Concluded
After consuming 120 pills combined with monitored diet and regular exercise regime, I have to say that Prime Male works like a charm when it comes to strength and libido! You lose extra weight, feel more energetic, strong, sexually active and long-lasting. What else would anyone wish from a decent testosterone booster?
Having said that, I am sure a lot of you will have one common question regarding those who can’t do physical exercise. It’s true that when you exercise it actually helps in better testosterone growth but Prime Male even shows positive results for people abstaining working out.
Our recommendation would be at least paying little attention to your diet even if you cannot go for physical workouts due to health issues. There are several foods that can boost your testosterone levels naturally so while you are consuming Prime Male capsules at least make sure you combine these foods and herbs in your diet for better results.
Nevertheless, it comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied. However, you are only covered in this scheme if you buy their 3 month supply. As add on, when you buy their 3 month supply, you get one box absolutely free so in total 4 bottles plus no shipping charges levied.
It will obviously cost you more than a 1 month supply but it’s not an expense, it’s an investment to your health!
Feel the young you again and live every bit of your life! Go for it.