Body Building Supplements

Crazy Bulk Review and Results That Shocked Us After Personal Use

CrazyBulk, A company whose line of products includes everything a bodybuilder would need for all their goals whether it is cutting, bulking or strength building.

It is one of the best legal steroids on the market that are made of natural ingredients as the company claims. Is it just a hype created or these products actually deliver what they promise?

Crazy Bulk legal steroids – Are they worth it or just a waste of money?

Is it a hoax or reality?

crazy bulk

Keeping in mind the above-mentioned questions plus the fact that these products have been in the market for 14+ years and as per the data on their official site, over half a million bottles have been sold, writing an honest Crazy Bulk review was already in our mind.

So grab your protein shake and read our article to know it all.

Obviously, we could not try all their stacks and products individually so we picked up the 2 hot selling stacks – Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack and Crazy Bulk Strength Stack.

Both these stacks have a lot of products and a few are similar as well. In this review, we shall learn a lot about Crazy Bulk legal steroids including their products, stacks, ingredients, dosage, side effects, pricing and of course, THE CRAZY BULK RESULTS!

Remember that it is not just a theoretical review like several other crazy bulk reviews on the internet, its practical reality that will clear the air for you so that you invest smartly in these legal steroids.

Crazy Bulk – What is it for the starters?

CrazyBulk is a company that makes steroid alternatives that are legal and can be consumed orally without any use of injections hence avoiding all sorts of side effects that usually occur due to steroid injection in the body.

Its headquarters are based in Cyprus and they deliver their products in over 100 countries without any delivery charges. Plus, every third product is free which is a cherry on the cake 😉

Please note that on their site no statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. However, with over half a million bottles sold and successful 14+ years of business worldwide, they can be trusted.

The following are the products that are manufactured by CrazyBulk. We are just naming the products, the stacks and what they comprise of below. All the stacks and hence the stacks will be reviewed as we read further:

  • DBal (Alternative of Methandrostenolone or Dianabol)
  • HGH-X2 (Alternative of Somatropin)
  • Trenorol ( Alternative of Trenbolone Acetate )
  • Testomax (Alternative of Sustanon)
  • Clenbutrol (Alternative of Clenbuterol)
  • Anvarol (Alternative of Anavar)
  • Winsol (Alternative of Winstrol)
  • Anadrole (Alternative of Anadrol)
  • Decaduro (Alternative of Deca Durabolin)
  • NO2 – Max ( Crazy Bulk’s Unique Blend )
  • Gynectrol ( Crazy Bulk’s Chest Fat Burner for males )

Combining these products, CrazyBulk made some stacks for different purposes:

Cutting Stack – It comprises of the following:



  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol
  • 1 bottle of Anvarol
  • 1 bottle of Winsol
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • + 1 FREE Cutting Guide


Crazy bulk cutting stack

Bulking Stack – It contains the following:



  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • 1 bottle of DecaDuro
  • 1 bottle of Trenorol
  • + 1 FREE Bulking Guide


crazybulk's bulking stack

Strength Stack – It is a combination of the following:



  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • 1 bottle of Anvarol
  • 1 bottle of Trenorol (Old formula known as TBAL75)
  • + 1 FREE Strength Guide


crazybulk's strength stack review

Ultimate Stack – This stack contains:



  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • 1 bottle of DecaDuro
  • 1 bottle of Trenorol(Old formula known as TBAL75)
  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol
  • 1 bottle of Anadrole


crazybulk ultimate stack

Growth Hormone Stack – This stack is a combination of:



  • 1 bottle of HGHX2
  • 1 bottle of Decaduro
  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of TestoMax
  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol


crazy bulk growth hormone stack

Female Cutting Stack – Each stack contains:



  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol
  • 1 bottle of Winsol
  • 1 bottle of Anvarol
  • + 1 FREE Cutting Guide


female cutting stack - crazy bulk

Now that you know what the company is all about and what all products it has, let us move towards our Crazy Bulk Review.

Out of 6 different stacks we personally tested two of them, cutting and strength stack. We shall discuss our personal experience with these 2 stacks in detail as we move on but first let us learn about the remaining 4 stacks.

Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack Review

Crazy Bulk’s Bulking Stack is the quick way of packing a huge amount of muscles to get that “Big Guy” look.

This stack will rapidly accelerate your bulking process and give you immense strength.

The bulking stack will give you big muscles, stronger performance with weights in the gym and quick recovery time.


crazy bulk bulking stack

Bulking Stack Contents

It contains the following:

  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • 1 bottle of DecaDuro
  • 1 bottle of Trenorol
  • + 1 FREE Bulking Guide

All the products in this stack have been reviewed in detail previously in this article individually.

Bulking Stack Dosage

The stack contains 4 bottles and will last you 4 weeks. Here is when to take which:

TestoMax should be taken in morning to make sure your testosterone levels are high all day.

Trenorol and DecaDuro has to be taken before workouts to give you high metabolism and boost during workout.

D-Bal has to be taken after your workout for fast muscle growth.

It is recommended that you continue a cycle for 8 weeks to get best results.

Also, DO NOT use 2 stacks at a time.

Bulking Stack Price

One Crazy Bulk’s Bulking Stack costs $179.99. You save around 20% by buying a stack than buying all products separately.

On a purchase of 2 stacks, you get 3rd one absolutely free at $359.98 with free shipping. You will also get 8 guides free with your purchase. These guides contain training tips and nutrition plans for different goals including bulking, cutting and strength.

Bulking Stack Side Effects

There are no reported side effects of this stack, neither online nor on official site. Plus, the ingredients are all natural and safe as we have already seen so the chances of any severe side effects like anabolic steroids are super low.

 CB bulking stack

Bulking Stack Results

As we did not try this stack personally hence it won’t be right for us to comment on how it works.

However, from all the products this stack comprises of we can surely draw a rough conclusion that it will work.

Here are comments from official site by real users :

Robert Ortega:

This stuff works great .For 180 dollars to get 4 bottles to stack it too .You can’t regret the money spent.Ive been using it and i have personal medical issues and this product doesn’t interfere with it at all .So you don’t have to worry about taking the pills and get paranoid about the what ifs that the media throws at you .


This stack is RIDUCULOUS! I love it the pump is real im def gunna get 1 more. If your trying to bulk this is the stack! Drink lots of water!

Nick Mattingly:

I’ve only been using this cycle for 2 weeks obviously the muscle gains aren’t going to show yet, but my strength has gone way up and my recovery time is crazy fast so here shortly I will see the gains soon!

Brandon Bice:

Gave this stack a shot and was very skeptical but after taking it i do. not want to stop because the bulk has been outrageous. The ladies love its effects on my body

Crazy Bulk Ultimate Stack Review

Crazy Bulk’s Ultimate stack is something that really makes you look “Ultimate” aka strong, lean and muscular at the same time.

You need boosted muscle protein synthesis at all times to trigger your muscle growth and this is exactly what this stack does.

Get delivered strength, stamina and ongoing energy before, during and after workouts with this stack.

It will also ensure your metabolism to be high 24/7 so you keep burning that extra fat all day long along with rapid recovery time.

ultimate stack cb

Ultimate Stack Contents

This stack contains:

  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • 1 bottle of DecaDuro
  • 1 bottle of Trenorol
  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol
  • 1 bottle of Anadrole

All the products in this stack have been reviewed in detail previously in this article individually.

Ultimate Stack Dosage

The stack contains 6 bottles and will last you 4 weeks.  Here is when to take which:

TestoMax and Anadrole should be taken in morning to make sure your natural HGH and testosterone levels are boosted and recovery times are short.

DecaDuro, Trenorol and Clenbutrol have to be taken before workouts to give you high metabolism, stamina and energy boost during workout. It will also trigger better muscle protein synthesis.

D-Bal has to be taken after your workout for fast muscle growth.

It is recommended that you continue a cycle for 8 weeks to get best results.

Also, DO NOT use 2 stacks at a time.

Ultimate Stack Price

One Crazy Bulk’s Ultimate Stack costs $274.99. You save around 20% by buying a stack than buying all products separately.

On a purchase of 2 stacks, you get 3rd one absolutely free at $549.98 with free shipping. You will also get 8 guides free with your purchase. These guides contain training tips and nutrition plans for different goals including bulking, cutting and strength.

ultimate stack cb

Ultimate Stack Side Effects

There are no reported side effects of this stack, neither online nor on official site. Plus, the ingredients are all natural and safe as we have already seen so the chances of any severe side effects like anabolic steroids are super low.

Ultimate Stack Results

As we did not try this stack personally hence it won’t be right for us to comment on how it works.

However, from all the products this stack comprises of we can surely draw a rough conclusion that it will work.

Here are comments from official site by real users :


This is supercharge just for 3 weeks notice from my muscles. Thank you crazybulk!


Up 18lbs in first month, crazy results with a good diet and strict workout plan!

Tyler Norris:

Product really works, I am about to finish my first month. Very impressive product!

Michael L., Victoria, Australia:

Increase in muscle mass, bench press, reduction in fat percentage from 21% to 11% along with semi strict diet

Crazy Bulk Growth Hormone Stack Review

Crazy Bulk’s Growth hormone as the name suggests, GIVES YOU GROWTH!

This stack contains 5 top products from Crazy Bulk for fast muscle building and fat loss.

Even though these are not anabolic steroids but the performance of this stack won’t fall short from giving you a holy tint of anabolic hormones.

Skyrocket your energy levels and pack a load of lean muscles with this stack to get the physique you desire.

growth stack crazy bulk

Growth Hormone Stack Contents

This stack is a combination of:

  • 1 bottle of HGH-X2
  • 1 bottle of Decaduro
  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of TestoMax
  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol

All the products in this stack have been reviewed in detail previously in this article individually.

Growth Hormone Stack Dosage

The stack contains 5 bottles and will last you 4 weeks.  Here is when to take which:

TestoMax and HGH-X2 should be taken in the morning to make sure your natural HGH and testosterone levels are boosted and recovery times are short.

DecaDuro and Clenbutrol have to be taken before workouts to give you high metabolism, stamina and energy boost during the workout. It will also trigger better muscle protein synthesis.

D-Bal has to be taken after your workout for fast muscle growth.

It is recommended that you continue a cycle for 8 weeks to get the best results.

Also, DO NOT use 2 stacks at a time.

Growth Hormone Stack Price

One Crazy Bulk’s Growth Hormone Stack costs $239.99. You save around 20% by buying a stack than buying all products separately.

On a purchase of 2 stacks, you get 3rd one absolutely free at $479.98 with free shipping. You will also get 8 guides free with your purchase. These guides contain training tips and nutrition plans for different goals including bulking, cutting and strength.

Growth Hormone Stack Side Effects

There are no reported side effects of this stack, neither online nor on the official website. Plus, the ingredients are all-natural and safe as we have already seen so the chances of any severe side effects like anabolic steroids are super low.

Growth Hormone Stack Results

As we did not try this stack personally hence it won’t be right for us to comment on how it works.

However, from all the products this stack comprises of we can surely draw a rough conclusion that it will work.

Apparently, there was just one review for this product on the official site but it was positive:


I have finally been taking this stack long enough for a review. Great job crazybulk; only supplement I’ve tried that actually works, and I’ve tried alot. I’m not one to take mirror selfies for a before and after but trust me, the results will have you coming back for more. Also great customer service. Take a bow crazybulk, you’re doing god’s work.

Crazybulk Female Cutting Stack Review

Ladies! This stack is your go-to stuff to get that lean, strong and sexy physique which will make all men go haywire!

Females have a tendency to store more fat in their abs, thighs and butt region which can be a pain to get rid of.

The stack helps to burn stubborn fat layer in your body and reveal that toned beauty beneath along with explosive energy supply to boost your workouts.

Go for it ladies and become the center of attraction at beaches, gym, anywhere and everywhere 😉

female cutting stack crazybulk

Female Cutting Stack Contents

Each stack contains:

  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol
  • 1 bottle of Winsol
  • 1 bottle of Anvarol
  • + 1 FREE Cutting Guide

All the products in this stack have been reviewed in detail previously in this article individually.

Female Cutting Stack Dosage

The stack contains 3 bottles and will last you 4 weeks.  Here is when to take which:

Clenbutrol has to be taken before workouts to give you high metabolism for burning fat, stamina and energy to boost up your workout.

Anvarol and Winsol have to be taken every day to maintain energy and strength levels during cutting phase.

It is recommended that you continue a cycle for 8 weeks to get best results.

Also, DO NOT use 2 stacks at a time.

Female Cutting Stack Price

One Crazy Bulk’s Female Cutting Stack costs $122.99. You save around 30% by buying a stack than buying all products separately.

On a purchase of 2 stacks, you get 3rd one absolutely free at $245.98 with free shipping. You will also get 8 guides free with your purchase. These guides contain training tips and nutrition plans for different goals including bulking, cutting and strength.

Female Cutting Stack Side Effects

There are no reported side effects of this stack, neither online nor on official site. Plus, the ingredients are all natural and safe as we have already seen so the chances of any severe side effects like anabolic steroids are super low.

Female Cutting Stack Results

As we did not try this stack personally hence it won’t be right for us to comment on how it works.

However, from all the products this stack comprises of we can surely draw a rough conclusion that it will work.

Please note – There are no reviews on official site for this stack.

crazy bulk female cutting stack results

And now that everything else is done, fasten your seat belts for the personally tested stacks by 2 of our team members, Marc and Terry.

Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack Review

CrazyBulk’s Cutting Stack was tested by our professional powerlifter, Marc.

Although its winter coming and usually cutting phase is done right before summer’s arrival, Marc was ready to test this stack for our readers and to get that extra fat off his bulky body.

Cutting Stack will give a lean, ripped body! Period!

This stack not just helps you cut that extra layer of fat from your body but also saves your hard-earned muscles at the same time.

Even while cutting, you won’t feel deprived of energy, stamina, or strength.

cutting stack cb

The results that Marc got were a shocker and even by looking at his forearm, anyone could say that his vascularity was next level.

Since it was cutting cycle, he cut his calories by 250 per day so that in 4 weeks cycle he could cut around 7000 calories.

WORKOUT IS A MUST! Marc Never skipped working out and since he is professional, he worked out 6 days a week with the following pattern:

Monday – Legs

Tuesday – Shoulders

Wednesday – Cardio and Abs

Thursday – Chest

Friday – Back

Saturday – Arms

Sunday – Rest

Please note that 15 mins cardio was included in all 5 days of weight training and on Wednesday he did 40 mins of cardio with abdominal training.

You will also get a guide with this stack which includes nutrition and training tips for people who are new to cycles.

We shall discuss the results that he got soon ahead in this article but before that let us check out the contents, dosage, pricing etc.

Cutting Stack Contents

It comprises of the following:

  • 1 bottle of Clenbutrol
  • 1 bottle of Anvarol
  • 1 bottle of Winsol
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • + 1 FREE Cutting Guide

All the products in this stack have been reviewed in detail previously in this article individually.

Cutting Stack Dosage

The stack contains 4 bottles and will last you 4 weeks.  Here is when to take which:

TestoMax should be taken in morning to make sure your testosterone levels are high all day and also to enhance your performance in gym.

Before Workout – Clenbutrol for providing more strength in order to level up your training session and boosting metabolism to target fat.

Anvarol and Winsol have to be taken every day to maintain energy and strength levels during cutting phase.

It is recommended that you continue a cycle for 8 weeks to get best results. Our results are based on 4 weeks cycle.

Also, DO NOT use 2 stacks at a time.

Cutting Stack Price

One Crazy Bulk’s Cutting Stack costs $184.99. You save around 30% by buying a stack than buying all products separately.

On a purchase of 2 stacks, you get 3rd one absolutely free at $369.98 with free shipping. You will also get 8 guides free with your purchase. These guides contain training tips and nutrition plans for different goals including bulking, cutting and strength.

crazybulk cutting stack

Cutting Stack Side Effects

There are no reported side effects of this stack, neither online nor on official site. Plus, the ingredients are all natural and safe as we have already seen so the chances of any severe side effects like anabolic steroids are super low.

As far as our experience is concerned, here is what Marc had to say regarding side effects:

This is genuinely something that won’t disappoint you. With natural ingredients in all products, it is assured that you won’t encounter any severe side effects that occur due to usage of anabolic steroids.

I won’t lie that the results you would get by injecting anabolics would be better certainly but its not at all worthy to risk your health just to look like a monster unless you know what you are doing.

Nevertheless, as I said crazybulk won’t disappoint you at all. I faced no side effects, nothing unusual felt internally, no hair loss, no acne, no digestion issues.

Cutting Stack Results

Ah! Finally the part that all our readers must eagerly be waiting for. THE INSANE CUTTING STACK RESULTS!

Rather than sharing Marc’s thoughts indirectly, we thought why not let Marc himself write his results for you all

After all, he was on the cycle for 4 weeks and deserves to write this one. So here are the results written by Marc himself:

Due to its natural ingredients and properties that mimic anabolic steroids, Crazy Bulk became quite famous among lifters.

When I started my cutting cycle I was quite skeptical about what and how this stack would perform but to my surprise, it really works.

cb cutting stack results

After a cutting cycle, I would personally want to have the following :

  • Vascularity
  • Fat loss
  • Muscle Mass Retention
  • No side effects

So here are all these pointers in detail after my personal 4-week cycle:


Since I am a powerlifter hence I was more on a bulky side and that is why I chose cutting stack to shred that extra fat.

When I started the cycle, I was not that vascular. After training for sure a few veins would pop and could be seen but not that great.

After just 2 weeks, I could literally feel the difference and my forearms were more vascular than before even before workouts.

4 weeks and I was shocked to see that my forearms literally looked like a bodybuilder! All veins proudly popping up and even the fat was down which I will mention further.

It was not just vascularity in my forearms but my thighs, calves, biceps and neck all became more vascular giving me a shredded and lean look.

The reason for my personal obsession over forearm vascularity is because it is more visible with your t-shirt on.

So when it comes to vascularity, Yes I am satisfied and results are mind-blowing.

Fat Loss:

My diet itself had 7000 calorie cut in 8 weeks which means 2 pounds of fat loss just by diet.

On top of it, my workout regime included 15 mins of cardiovascular exercises every day so it was quite obvious that I would lose fat.

The challenge here was losing fat and not weight because weight loss and fat loss are 2 different things.

I had to save my hard-earned muscle mass at the same time while I cut fat.

I have this habit of weighing myself in 2 weeks and not every day.

After 2 weeks, I was down by 6 fuc*ing pounds! Not bad at all with sharper vascularity and maintained strength. In fact, I was feeling more strong and energetic with a better endurance level.

4 weeks down and I lost 11 pounds! Clearly, I was leaner, shredded, vascular and did not feel weak at all.

My fat percentage also reduced significantly.

Conclusion I lost 9.5 pounds after 4 weeks and I am certain that most of it is fat and not water loss or muscle loss.

Muscle Mass Retention:

As I mentioned above, I lost fat and at the same time, I was able to retain my muscles.

It was not just visible but also, with lose muscles, you feel a drop in strength and difference in lifting weights.

Instead of losing my power, I felt more strong and energetic. My recovery also was quick.

Side Effects:

I faced no severe side effects at all. No digestion issues, no acne, no hair loss nothing.

Bottom Line – After 4 weeks cycle I was more vascular, shredded, muscular and did not encounter any side effects whatsoever.

Please note that I prefer drinking a lot of water at any time whether it’s bulking, cutting or whatever. Its basic rule of thumb to keep yourself hydrated.

A few reviews by other users from the official site :


I purchased the cutting stack and first week of use amazing results, good pumps, longer energy and pushing through the last couple reps. It’s been only 1 week and seen a difference, had no side effects and feel excellent after workout.I was always curious about these products and these definitely work amazing.


Been using steroids for years and, frankly, was very sceptical about any alternatives. However, have to admit that this stuff really works- the results after a week using. No side effects so far.
Glad I gave it a try.
Definitely gonna get another stack for the next cycle.
Thank you, guys.

Benny Diaz:

Incredible results this is my 3rd cycle and to date I’m down 40lb, and increased muscle mass and definition in virtually every area. Next stack will definitely be the strength stack. Current stats 5’9 215lb 18%bf

Crazy Bulk Strength Stack Review

Strength Stack from CrazyBulk was tested by Terry, a professional bodybuilder with years of experience.

Ever wondered how it would feel if you woke up like HULK?

Terry felt this after 4 weeks of his strength cycle.

Crazybulk does not give you a stack, IT IS PURE STRENGTH delivered at your doorstep.

You will feel the difference in your lifting as you get charged with strength using this stack.

More strength means more packed muscles and more confidence in yourself while lifting at the gym.

You will look like a total badass beast with our without clothes.

Strength Stack gives you strength, stamina and more muscles!

Terry has a lean physique and his main aim was to gain more strength and hence pack more muscle mass to look “bigger”.

Since strength was his main focus, he trained with very heavy weights and low rep range for 6 days on and 1 day off for 4 weeks with the following pattern:

Monday – Chest

Tuesday – Back

Wednesday – Biceps, Triceps and forearms

Thursday – Abs

Friday – Shoulder

Saturday – Legs

Sunday – Rest or little cardio

Every day before lifting, 10 mins of warmup was a must to make sure Terry had better mobility in joints and avoided any sort of injury.

You will also get a guide with this stack which includes nutrition and training tips for people who are new to cycles.

We shall discuss the results that he got in the coming section of this article but before that let us check out the contents, dosage, pricing etc.

Strength Stack Contents

It is a combination of the following:

  • 1 bottle of D-Bal
  • 1 bottle of Testo-Max
  • 1 bottle of Anvarol
  • 1 bottle of Trenorol
  • + 1 FREE Strength Guide

All the products in this stack have been reviewed in detail previously in this article individually.

Strength Stack Dosage

The stack contains 4 bottles and will last you 4 weeks.  Here is when to take which:

TestoMax should be taken in the morning to make sure your testosterone levels are high all day and also to enhance your performance in gym.

Take Trenorol before and DBal after workout to boost your training sessions with high power, stamina and better protein metabolism for quick muscle growth.

Anvarol has to be taken every day to maintain energy and strength levels.

It is recommended that you continue a cycle for 8 weeks to get best results. Our results are based on 4 weeks cycle.

Also, DO NOT use 2 stacks at a time.

Strength Stack Price

One Crazy Bulk’s Strength Stack costs $189.99. You save around 30% by buying a stack than buying all products separately.

On purchase of 2 stacks, you get 3rd one absolutely free at $379.98 with free shipping. You will also get 8 guides free with your purchase. These guides contain training tips and nutrition plans for different goals including bulking, cutting and strength.

strength stack crazy bulk

Strength Stack Side Effects

There are no reported side effects of this stack, neither online nor on the official site. Plus, the ingredients are all-natural and safe as we have already seen so the chances of any severe side effects like anabolic steroids are super low.

As far as our experience is concerned, here is what Terry had to say regarding side effects:

It was sort of obvious that I won’t suffer any side effects as ingredients are all natural. Most common side effects of steroids are stomach ache, improper digestion, acne, hair loss etc.

I personally did not get any of these. My digestion was fine, got little acne on my back but nothing severe to worry about, no hair loss.

Strength Stack Results

No more wait! The time is here where we reveal CRAZY STRENGTH STACK RESULTS!

Just like cutting stack, we asked Terry to write results he got from strength stack himself for us. Here we go:

I have been in bodybuilding since years now and have competed in several competitions.

I am lean, shredded and gaining more muscle mass was my aim as I also wanted to compete in powerlifting.

That would not be possible if I did not have enough strength to compete with professional.

In order to achieve more strength, I had to pack more muscle mass hence I trained only with heavyweight to break more muscle tissues so they would repair and grow bigger.

I mostly concentrated on compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and bench presses.

I also trained small muscles such as biceps, triceps, calves etc isolated but in compound exercises I tried to lift as heavy as I could.


I felt stronger, powerful and bigger too!

crazy bulk strength stack results

The stack also helped me with stamina and I could increase my workout time without getting exhausted.

I weigh around 177 pounds and here are my stats before and after 4 weeks of cycle:

Excercise Before After
Deadlift 350 lbs 395 lbs
Bench Press 250 lbs 310 lbs
Overhead Press 200 lbs 240 lbs
Squats 310 lbs 355 lbs

Results speak for themselves. It was not just the above-mentioned exercises but I gained more strength in almost all other isolated exercises like biceps, triceps, lateral raises etc.

I weigh 4.25 pounds heavier now and I am sort of sure this is pure muscle mass!

Bottom Line: Believe me you, my arm size has increased. I look far bigger than what I used to look before taking this stack. If you want to gain strength and pack more muscles, this stack is for you.

There were no side effects and I am surely going to buy another strength stack. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Crazy Bulk Price

Prices for all the products and stacks are already mentioned above but here is a table for a quick glance at everything together:

Product Buy 1 Buy 2 (get 3rd free)
DBal $59.99 $119.98
HGH-X2 $59.99 $119.98
Testo Max $59.99 $119.98
Trenorol $61.99 $123.98
Clenbutrol $61.99 $123.98
Anvarol $54.99 $109.98
Winsol $61.99 $123.98
Anadrole $54.99 $109.98
DecaDuro $61.99 $123.98
NO2 Max $59.95 $119.9
Gynectrol $61.99 $123.98
Bulking Stack $179.99 $359.98
Ultimate Stack $274.99 $549.98
Growth Hormone Stack $239.99 $479.98
Cutting Stack $184.99 $369.98
Female Cutting Stack $122.99 $245.98
Strength Stack $189.99 $379.98

Crazy Bulk Side Effects

CrazyBulk has no reported side effects by users. We tried 2 stacks ourselves and suffered no side effects at all.

However, we still recommend that if you are a first-timer, please go through the guides provided with your purchase and on experiencing any sort of side effects make sure you visit a doctor and stop consumption immediately.

Crazy Bulk Results

The results that we got using both cutting and strength stacks were mind-blowing with no side effects at all!

You can go through our Crazy Bulk reviews on both these stacks above to learn in details. We have also mentioned results and reviews posted by other real users from official site.

Crazy Bulk review concluded

You might have gone through several crazybulk reviews on the internet claiming different results and opinions but we tested it!

Difference between other crazy bulk reviews and ours is the same as between theoretical and practical 😛

With all natural, safe and 100% legal ingredients there is no doubt that Crazy Bulk Products are worth trying. We tried them and are completely satisfied.

These products come with no side effects at all and are legal alternatives of anabolic steroids that are harmful.

Crazy Bulk stacks that we used were cutting and strength stacks and both gave us really convincing results.

Other than these 2 stacks, individual products too are promising going by their ingredients and reviews posted by real users on site.

Prices also are not too high and on buying 2 products, you get third one absolutely free with zero shipping charges and 8 training guides too.

crazybulk products

In short, go for it and become a CRAZYBULKER today!

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